So, there are 88 keys on a piano.
White and black keys, arranged almost like a zebra crossing.
Near the centre is Middle C - you often start here when learning.
Here's a picture of piano keys, showing the notes they play on written music.
Key names follow the alphabet: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, then after G you start at A again.
Black keys are named after the white key beside them, plus a sign:
The flat notes are lower (to the left), sharp notes are higher (to the right).
Here's a keyboard with the black notes showing sharps and flats:
So A-sharp (A#) is the same as B-flat (Bb) - it just depends what key you're in.
How do you know what notes to play?
As we can write or read words in a book, so we can write or read music.
For many years people have used staves, lines and notes like these: C Major Scale
The first oval on the bottom left line is Middle C
In the middle of the picture is another C, an octave higher.
See the movie below for a C major scale:
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